Saturday, September 11, 2010

faion show!

Today (september 11th) is second saturday here in sacramento... you know what that means! No, dumbo, not donuts! Though i love them.. I have a fashion show today! All 10 of my eclectic outfits will be making their debut in the fashion show of my collection: Colors by Ruby Winsor! The first model walk is 7:00 pm, the secod time all the models walk is 8:00! COME PEOPLE! And the clothing WILL be for sale, for good prices.


  1. the title was supposed to say "fashion show" woopsies

  2. It's gargle talk. Twas brillig and all the mimsey... Love the photo. Post the whole thing. Nana

  3. You made ten (10) separate oufits? And you designed and sewed them your self? Wonderful.
    Hope pictures of them are available.

  4. amazing work roobs! i will post that pic of you i took on my iphone - love it.

  5. Some pictures are gonna be on, i just have to put the picture disc on here!


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